I know what you’re thinking — She forgot about us puzzle people. A reasonable assumption. But no. I was simply waiting for the perfect moment. And today, as I trudged through my still winter-dirty backyard, I knew: the moment had arrived.

That’s the romantic bloggy version. The truth? I picked my first posy of the year, snapped a mediocre photo of it, and hours later while flopped on the couch watching The Residence on Netflix, I thought, “Yep. Time for a puzzle.”
I do like the show if you're wondering but I'm not paying attention to it the way I should to get the full experience. And yes. Watching The Residence is kind of an experience. It's based on the #1 New York Times bestselling book The Residence, which I had never heard of until I started writing this post.
Would you like to save this stuff?
To create a tiny bouquet that could stand tall in its equally tiny vase, I snipped each snowdrop just below the point where stem and leaves emerge from the earth — slicing beneath the soil to get a clean, intact stem. Each cut delivered a single white bloom, suspended from a sturdy stalk, flanked by two graceful green leaves like nature’s own minimalist arrangement.
The first posy of the year. A puzzle-worthy occasion.
There will be more where that came from soon. It's gardening season. The nail polish is coming off.

Lovely puzzle, thank you.
Fun puzzle - I'm a Jigity addict thanks to you! This sweet first bouquet is like the ones I always choose - a pretty scene that I can relate to. Thanks!
Nice puzzle! I am totally hooked on Jigidi puzzles and I thank you for introducing them to me when I first was introduced to your website. Happy Spring, to you.
Happy Spring - at least for now. ;) A very cute first bouquet for sure and a very relaxing first-of-the-year puzzle. I, myself am just becoming conscious after hibernating through January this year. Cheers!
Now Karen, this is getting out of hand. If all these mistakes keep up, myself and all of your devoted readers, as your friends, are going to have to stage an intervention! LOL 😆 🍷🍷☘️😎
(Sure…bring poor Philip into this! 🐕🦺)
Thanks for the puzzle.😀😀
Not to brag on myself, but this reminds me of when I bought a fancy jigsaw puzzle on Amazon and was able to finish it in 5 hours... and the box said 3-4 YEARS.
That was fun!