A couple of weeks ago I came outside to see the most pathetic sight (other than any of the Kardashian shows) these two eyes have ever seen.
There, dragging herself through the chicken run, was Norma. The gimpy chicken. While all the other chickens ran at break beak speed to come and see me, Norma hobble-limped halfway towards me, gave up and then laid down. At which point all of the other chickens sensed a weak member in their flock and attacked her. Just like that they turned on one of their own. Again, not unlike the Kardashians.
I immediately went into medic mode, strapped a flashing red light to my head, screamed out some surprisingly loud siren sounds and made my way to Norma.
The first thing to do in assessing a chicken injury is to LOOK.
So I gently picked Norma up and gave her a thorough once over. I looked for broken bones sticking out, wounds and thorns. She looked fine. But it's hard to see through all of those feathers. The next thing I did was flip her over and take a look at the bottom of her feet. I was checking for Bumblefoot (a potentially deadly infection on the underside of a chicken's foot). No Bumblefoot.
The second thing to do is feel for warmth.
Like with other animals an easy way to check for pain or infection is the gently feel around the body parts. An injured area will often feel warmer than the rest of the body. No such luck with Norma.
The third thing to do is start guessing and eliminating.
The one thing it could possibly be was a case of Norma being egg bound. I wasn't convinced this was the case because it really looked like a sore foot or leg, but I wanted to be able to rule out the possibility of her being egg bound (also life threatening).
So I did what you're supposed to do to make her feel better. I put her in a bath and got ready to stick my finger up her bum. No idea if this applies to the Kardashians as well. I suspect it does.
Norma was incredibly cooperative.
I sat her in the kitchen sink filled with warm water and went about my business in the kitchen. She didn't seem to have any desire to move. She just sat there quietly, waiting for me to get her out.
The kitchen was a bit cool and Norma was wet, so I wrapped her in a towel which made her warm, dried her off a bit and had the added bonus of making her look like a superhero.
Would you like to save this stuff?
Aftercare involves keeping the patient quiet and allowing them to rest.
Once the patient is able to eat and poop, they can be discharged.
I took her outside and gently put my finger in her bum. I was carefully checking to feel if there was an egg stuck in there. I didn't take pictures of that. I tried. But it's kindda awkward to hold a camera, a chicken and a suppository. Just kidding about the suppository. It was my actual finger that went up her bum. This is why as a chicken owner you should a) be brave and b) own an entire box of surgical gloves.
If you're desperate to see a chicken bum, which is also called the vent, you can see one here.
Norma was relaxed, there didn't seem to be an egg stuck in her and I was back to square one. There were two possibilities. She could have had a stroke. Or ... she could have just jumped off the roost a bit wonky and twisted something.
If a chicken has an injury that's causing them pain the easiest and most effective thing you can give them is ½ a baby aspirin.
So that's what Norma got. One half of a baby aspirin. If the limp went away that would let me know it was just a twisted ankle or pulled muscle. If it didn't help it could mean it was a stroke.
This is all random guessing of course, but that's what you do in these sorts of situations. Hell. It's what your doctor who went to a real medical school and everything does.
I held out the aspirin in the palm of my hand and she gobbled it up right away. I kept her away from the other chickens so she wouldn't be tormented and came back an hour later to check on her.
This is how she looked.
No limp. Or very little limp. So I knew that the injury was probably a muscle or inflammation issue, not a stroke. It isn't always great to mask the pain on an animal because as far as they're concerned as soon as the pain goes away, it's hokey pokey time. A free for all of running, jumping and playing hopscotch. They don't know the pill is masking the pain and they still have an injury they need to be gentle with. The simple truth is they just aren't smart enough (insert your own Kardashian joke here).
So with animals you have to use a bit common sense. If I left Norma with her limp she'd be more careful with her injury ... but only for the next 16 hours or so, until the other chickens devoured her alive.
Chickens can spot weakness faster than a schoolyard bully looking for lunch money. And they can take down your average 9 year old quicker.
So that's why I opted to give Norma half an aspirin until her leg healed. The injury lasted for about 5 days so I prescribed ½ a baby aspirin every morning.
And now you're going to think I'm weird. A loon. A bit of a softie. Since I helped Norma I've noticed she's become much friendlier with me. She's no Cuddles, but she lets me pick her up and look her over without a single squawk. Once she even asked me how my day was.
I told her it was O.K. I mean, I couldn't keep up with the Kardashians. But who can?
what a good chicken mama you are!
This made my heart grow 3 sizes too big. You're the best chicken owner ever. Actually, you're the only one I know but for the sake of being a loyal reader, I'll stick with that.
This was better than any episode of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
No lie.
Very informative. I need to pin this for any future chicken mishaps. I'm glad Norma is feeling better!
I was very disturbed to see today's post. A lovely picture of Norma under the title reading "... How to Fix a Gimpy Chicken." Beside Norma... A MEAT CLEAVER!!!
Heh that's how my Gramma would have solved a Gimpy Chicken dilemma.
Such a good chicken mama.
You are brave! No,You are very brave!
So cute to see a chicken in the sink, having a soak.
My week-day mornings are back to normal...cup of tea and reading theartofdoingstuff! I'm so glad you're back! And I'm glad Norma is on the road to recovery.
And now, a sentence I've never written and will probably never write again: I'm glad your chicken is no longer limping!
You are a good chicken mama! Sweet Norma looks so pretty, and contented. Hope you sent the others to bed with no supper for being mean!
I think Norma faked the whole thing because she sensed you needed a bonding experience.
Lucky Norma. I think it's incredible that she just sat in the sink without trying to get out. Crazy.
I did find it a bit disturbing however to see a link for "How to Make Delicious Breaded Chicken Burgers" at the end of your post. I know you'd never dine on your girls but it did give me a "WTF" moment. lol
That's EXACTLY how me (a trained RN) treats my kiddo when she's limping about. Including the finger up the bum. I did that once when she was about 6 months old because my mum told me that's what you do when you think a baby may be egg (oops, I mean poop) bound...and was immediately greeted by a torrid green explosion. Thank you very much. She grinned and all was well. Of course, 15 years later, she's much more verbal about her various aches and pains and gobbles ibuprofen like tic tacs. But if I ask if she constipated she immediately backs away, calls a friend and is outa here.
Shelly...you made me laugh just as much as Karen did...and that is a lot!!!!
This make my day. I'm so glad you're back. We should wrap you in a warm towel and make you look like the super hero... you actually are.
Very recently, I was working with one of my rabbits. I was sitting with it on my lap, out by the rabbit hutch when I looked down and saw something very odd. One of my new boy chickens hanging upside down with his foot at a very odd angle off the back of the hutch. He must have climbed up and then caught his foot when he went to jump back down. Oh, I was distraught. But I had to get the bunny caged again before I reached for him. He was totally still anyway so I thought I might have already lost him. But I carefully lifted him up off where he was caught and he did squawk and twist around some so I knew he was alive.
But that leg...oh that twisted, toe out at the wrong angle leg. I ran into the house to scream for DH to come help. Him being the chicken expert...not. He just asked why I would not just end his misery since we have 2 extra roosters in that small young flock and will need to cull 2 later. But I wanted to give him a chance. So DH thought to go get a drinking straw and some medical tape and we fashioned a splint for the toe. But it was obvious that he had either a dislocated, badly sprained or broken leg also. So I took a smallish cat carrier, put in chicken bedding and put him in there for the night. He resisted and fussed a bit, but then settled down and rested nicely. In the morning, he still would not walk so I kept him in a very small pen with food and water. But where he could see his other flock members and feel a part of it. We kept this up for 4 days and slowly he recovered. Now he is back to normal. For a chicken.
This breed is a really cool one that has only been in the US and Canada since 2010. They are so friendly and I can carry all 3 girls around with me when I am outside and if I sit to have coffee in the garden I often have all 3 girls on my lap and the boys on the chair next to me. And they are the best bug catchers of all my breeds. But they are 3 months old now and soon I will have to decide which of the 3 boys I will keep. I am betting on Mr. Ortho Case right now. Get it....Ortho as in Orthopedic. I know. Karen, your position as funny girl on this blog is totally safe.
LOL. Made me laugh! What breed is it? ~ karen
The breed is Euskal Oiloa. Most people, as well as I, simply call them Basque chickens since that is the region of Spain they brought them from.
I love these guys so much that I would love to bring in another blood line so I could breed and sell the chicks. Not to make money but to introduce them locally to as many people as possible. I also have Wyandottes, Welsummers, Easter Eggers, White Jersey Giants, Brown Leghorns, Blue Marans and none are anywhere near as sweet and calm as these guys.
I'd like one and a Blue Marans please. Especially if they lay a really dark egg. Just hang my address around their necks and hopefully they'll make their way here. ~ karen!
LOL, my chickens barely find their way back into their coop at night. Let alone go cross country. And across the border into Canada.
Yes, the Marans lay a very dark egg. With all the chickens I have now, I have white, cream, beige, blue, blueish green and the very dark brown. Would love an olive egger to get green eggs. That is a cross between a Black Copper Maran rooster and an Easter egger hen. Maybe in the future. I have so many chickens now that when I put them up at night, I don't even count to make sure they are all there. Just hope for the best!
Phew Karen, your position as funny girl might be safe but the title of most knowledgeable might go down the tube after reading that! :p
What an awesome Chicken Momma you are!!!!
Better living through chemistry, I'm all for stopping the pain (except for silly animals who will further hurt themselves). You probably got your Scout badge for Chicken 1st Aid ages ago, lucky Norma. And that recovery room? What a fabulous floor!
Thanks Molly. That's the floor I laid myself a couple of months ago! https://www.theartofdoingstuff.com/the-kitchen-floor-finished-laying-vct-tile/ I love it! ~ karen
I •know•! I watched ~with awe and envy~ as you put that bad boy in its place. And Radiant Floor Heating?! Get out. Seriously, make way. I'm moving into your kitchen in October. ~molly with cold, hard, stone floors in a damp climate
I'm so glad Norma is feeling better. You're amazing!
Any chance Norma is a faker --- just wanting a warm bath -- some drugs and a finger up..... ? The coop CAN be a very boring place you know~~ at least that is what my girls tell me ;) Watch out for Cuddles and the "weak wing thing" next... oh.. and.. Welcome Back :)!!
What a lovely heartwarming story. Norma is one fortunate chicken!